北海道大学 大学院水産科学研究院 大学院水産科学院 水産学部

英語サイトへ 北海道大学

日本語学習について / Learning Japanese Language

There are two main types of Japanese language classes available to students who belong to the School/Graduate School/Faculty of Fisheries Science. Please read the announcement and poster carefully and sign up for the class that suits you best (or sign up for both).

【函館】日本語教室について / [Hakodate] Japanese Language Class


“Japanese Language Class” is a Japanese language learning class offered in Hakodate.
– Only students belonging to Hakodate Campus can take the classes.
– With small classes, you can join a class that suits your level.
– The courses will be face-to-face classes.
– For details, please read the announcement for each semester.
– Registration Form: https://forms.gle/A68DWsAj5f9CiEUe9

【札幌】一般日本語コースについて / [Sapporo] General Japanese Course



“General Japanese Course” is a Japanese language learning class offered in Sapporo.
– International students from various departments of Hokkaido University will take the classes. Some classes are taken together with Japanese students.
– The course will be cancelled after three consecutive absences, so please be sure to attend every week.
– Almost all of courses will be face-to-face classes in 2024. Students in Hakodate and outside Japan can participate in some courses which will be offered online.
– Application Form: https://jpncourse.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/entry/
– Course outline: https://jpncourse.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/syllabus_web/web/web_menu.php

<Courses which will be offered online>
– Introductory Japanese Grammar 1A (spring and fall semesters only)
– Introductory Japanese Grammar 2A (summer and winter semesters only)
– Introductory Japanese Grammar 1B (summer semester only / Hy-Flex[mix of face-to-face and online])

留学生向け奨学金情報 / Scholarship Information for International Students


* Please read the application guidelines carefully and submit the application documents by the deadline.
* Below you will find information on scholarships that are only available to international students. Private scholarships that are also open to Japanese students are listed on a separate page.
* For scholarships for which application guidelines are only available in Japanese, information is provided in Japanese only.




*This scholarship is intended for students with sufficient Japanese language skills.



2024年度松下幸之助記念志財団外国人留学生助成(KMMFスカラシップ)奨学生の募集について [K.MATSUSHITA FOUNDATION] 2024 KMMF Scholarship

○応募資格(Requirements):2024年10月に修士課程入学予定者 students who plan to enroll in master’s program in October 2024
○応募方法(Submit to):学生担当へ申請書、成績証明書、個人情報取得同意書を提出 submit Application form, Transcripts, Consent Form to  the Student Affairs Section
○応募期限(Application Deadline):2024年7月19日(金) July 19, 2024
※申請希望者は必ず事前に学生担当に連絡してください。応募資格の詳細や申請書、個人情報取得同意書の様式をお渡しします。 If you wish to apply for it, please contact to the student affairs section in advance. We will inform the details of requirements and give you the application form and consent form.



令和6年度ジャックス奨学寄附金 私費外国人留学生奨学金について 2024 JACCS Scholarship

要項(Application Guidelines)[PDF]
申請書(Application Form)[Word]
○応募方法(Submit to):学生担当へ提出 the Student Affairs Section
○応募期間(Application Period):
【5月募集 May Application】2024年5月20日(月)~24日(金) May 20 – 24, 2024
【11月募集 November Application】2024年11月22日(金)~28日(木) November 22 – 28, 2024








*This scholarship is intended for students with sufficient Japanese language skills.


2023年8月9日掲載 2023年9月22日更新

令和6年度モーリシャス共和国ブルーエコノミー開発中核人材育成プログラムにかかる博士後期課程 修学支援について

Core human resource (Core HR) development program for Blue Economy Development of the Republic of Mauritius

募集期間を延長しました。Application period has been extended.

募集要項(日本語)[PDF] / Application Guidelines(English)[PDF]
様式1 Form1 申請書 Application Form [Word]
様式2 Form2 研究計画書 Research Plan[Word]

○応募方法(Submit to):学生担当にメールで提出 Student Affairs Section by e-mail
○応募期間(Application Period):9月1日(金)~9月14日(木)10月12日(木) September 1 – September 14 October 12, 2023







留学生向けお知らせ / Notice for International Students



Hokkaido Study Abroad Program 2022 参加学生の募集について / Recruitment of Students to Participate in Hokkaido Study Abroad Program 2022

If you wish to participate, please contact the Hokkaido University Admission Center to get documents.
応募資格・申込方法(Requirements and How to Apply)[PDF]
参加希望校一覧(List of schools)[PDF]
日程例(Sample Schedule)[PDF]
○応募締切 Application Deadline:2022年7月22日(金) July 22, 2022

留学生向け生活支援ウェブサイト / Living Support Website

(HIF)在住外国人向け情報 http://www.hif.or.jp/hakodatelife/

Information for international students to live in Hakodate
유학생을 위한 하코다테 생활에 필요한 정보

(法務省)外国人のための人権相談 http://www.moj.go.jp/JINKEN/jinken21.html

This is a guide to the consultation desk when you feel that you have been unfairly discriminated against because you are a foreigner.