Md. Rashidul Islamさん(博士後期課程3年)が11th Joint International Symposium on Food Science and Technology・12th Joint International Symposium on Food Science and Technology Best Oral Presentation Award・Outstanding Award Oral Presentationを受賞しました。おめでとうございます。
授賞団体名:(Society Name)= 11th Joint International Symposium on Food Science and Technology
受賞日: (Date) = 17-18 December 2018 (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)
賞名:(Award) = Best Oral Presentation Award
氏名:(Name) = Md. Rashidul Islam
学年:(Grade) = D3
所属:(Lab.) =増殖生物学講座
受賞論文名:(Title) = A novel extraction method of gelatin from the head of Kalamtra sturgeon (Huso dauricus × Acipencer schrenckii × Acipencer transmontanus) with some properties
著者:(Authors) = Md. Rashidul Islam, Tomoharu Yuhi, Dawei Meng, Takeya Yoshioka, Kazuhiro Ura, Yasuaki Takagi
授賞団体名:(Society Name)= 12th Joint International Symposium on Food Science and Technology
受賞日: (Date) = 1-2 December 2019 (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
賞名:(Award) = Outstanding Award Oral Presentation
氏名:(Name) = Md. Rashidul Islam
学年:(Grade) = D3
所属:(Lab.) = 増殖生物学講座
受賞論文名:(Title) = Production and wound healing activity of tissue hydrolysates from the head of Bester sturgeon
著者:(Authors) = Md. Rashidul Islam, Naoya Terauchi, Wen Li, Kazuhiro Ura, Yasuaki Takagi