酒井 隆一
さかい りゅういち
酒井 隆一
さかい りゅういち
- 海洋応用生命科学部門
- 水産資源機能化学科
- 生物有機化学講座
管理研究棟 509
- 研究課題
(1) 海洋生物に含まれる生理活性物質の研究 (2) 水産生物に含まれる微量成分の研究 (3) 海洋生物に特有な成分の起源と機能を探る研究
- 代表的な業績
1) 海綿の長鎖ポリアミン,Polyamine,5, (1), 2018, p3, http://pa.umin.jp/PolyamineVol5No1Apr2018.pdf 2) カイニン酸, 上村大輔編 天然物の化学II 自然からの贈り物、化学のとびら (2018) 64, p141, 東京化学同人 3) 海綿由来の神経毒ダイシハーベインの局在性、起源は共生する藍藻 Synechocystis ?,化学と生物,47,(10),2009,p674, https://doi.org/10.1271/kagakutoseibutsu.47.674 [学術雑誌に掲載されたものは上の参考ウェブサイトをご覧ください]
- 担当授業
学部 天然物化学 海と生命(分担) マリンバイオマスの探索と利用(分担) 等 大学院 水産資源化学特論Ⅰ 水産資源化学特論Ⅱ
- 略歴
1983年 琉球大学海洋学科 卒業 1985年 琉球大学海洋学研究科 修了 1985-1987年 Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (http://www.hboifoundation.org/) 研究員 1987年~1991年 イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校化学科 博士課程 https://illinois.edu/index.html 1992-1994年 イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校化学科 博士研究員 1994-2007年 北里大学水産学部 2008年 北海道大学水産科学研究院 教授
- 教員からのメッセージ
SAKAI Ryuichi
- *** Professor of Aquaculture Genetics and Genomics
Office location
509 Main Building
※ change [at] to @
- Experience
1985-1997 Junior scientist at Harbor branch Oceanographic Institute (The SeaPharm project) 1991-1994 Post-doctoral fellowship at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1994-2007 Associate Professor at Kitasato University School of Fisheries Sciences 2007-2008 Professor at Kitasato University School of Fisheries Sciences 2008- Current Professor at Hokkaido University Faculty and Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences
- Education
1983-1985 University of the Ryukyus (MSc., Advisor, Prof. Tatsuo Higa) 1987-1991 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Ph.D., Advisor, Prof. Kenneth L. Rinehart) Office; main building Room 509 e-mail; ryu.sakai◎fish.hokudai.ac.jp ※ Change「◎」to「@」 Tel/Fax; 0138-40-5552
- Publications (Links)
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hGd2LKsAAAAJ&hl=ja ResearchMap https://researchmap.jp/sbor5552/
- Focus of work
My work mainly focuses on discovery of novel biologically active marine natural products. Particular interests include bioactive small molecules that interact with neuronal receptors, ion channels, and cell membrane located on cell surface. I am also interested in middle to large peptides and proteins form marine organisms that act like small secondary metabolites. Recent example of such include: Aculeins, novel toxic peptides modified by long chain polyamine that interact with cell membrane; Soritesidine, a protein toxin whose toxicity exceed that of Palytoxin, one of the most potent marine toxins known; and Thrombocorcitin, a small protein that can activate hematopoietic receptor. I also work on metabolomics analysis of sea food such as squids, clams, and snails, focusing particularly on minute constituents (including secondary metabolites) that may reveal some unique ecological and physiological status of the organisms. Compounds discovered in our laboratory would serve as probes to explore deep insight into human physiology, and physiological and ecological aspects of marine organisms.
- Selected publications (5-years)
1. Shiozaki H, Miyahara M, Otsuka K, Miyako K, Honda A, Takasaki Y, Takamizawa S, Tukada H, Ishikawa Y, and Sakai R: Studies on Aculeines: Synthetic Strategy to the Fully Protected Protoaculeine B, the N-Terminal Amino Acid of Aculeine B. Organic Letters (2018). 2. Matsumura K, Taniguchi T, Reimer JD, Noguchi S, Fujita MJ, and Sakai R: KB343, a Cyclic Tris-guanidine Alkaloid from Palauan Zoantharian Epizoanthus illoricatus. Organic Letters, 20:3039-3043 (2018). 3. Tadokoro Y, Nishikawa T, Ichimori T, Matsunaga S, Fujita MJ, and Sakai R: N-Methyl-β-carbolinium Salts and an N-Methylated 8-Oxoisoguanine as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from a Solitary Ascidian, Cnemidocarpa irene. ACS Omega, 2:1074-1080 (2017). 4. Oda Y, Zhang Q, Matsunaga S, Fujita MJ, and Sakai R: Two New Mycosporine-like Amino Acids LC-343 and Mycosporine-ethanolamine from the Micronesian Marine Sponge Lendenfeldia chondrodes. Chemistry Letters, 46:1272-1274 (2017). 5. Motohashi S, Jimbo M, Naito T, Suzuki T, Sakai R, and Kamiya H: Isolation, amino acid sequences, and plausible functions of the galacturonic acid-binding egg lectin of the sea hare Aplysia kurodai. Marine Drugs, 15:161 (2017). 6. Kita A, Jimbo M, Sakai R, Morimoto Y, Takeuchi R, Tanaka H, Takahashi T, and Miki K: Crystal structure of octocoral lectin SLL-2 complexed with Forssman antigen tetrasaccharide. Glycobiology, 27:696-700 (2017). 7. Uchimasu H, Matsumura K, Tsuda M, Kumagai K, Akakabe M, Fujita MJ, and Sakai R: Mellpaladines and dopargimine, novel neuroactive guanidine alkaloids from a Palauan Didemnidae tunicate. Tetrahedron, 72:7185-7193 (2016). 8. Fukushima K, Ishikawa Y, Sakai R, and Oikawa M: A monocyclic neodysiherbaine analog: Synthesis and evaluation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 26:5164-5167 (2016). 9. Kita A, Jimbo M, Sakai R, Morimoto Y, and Miki K: Crystal structure of a symbiosis-related lectin from octocoral. Glycobiology, 25:1016-1023 (2015). 10. Chiba M, Fujimoto C, Sakai R, and Oikawa M: Structure–activity relationships of IKM-159: Diverted synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of C5-oxy analogs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25:1869-1871 (2015). 11. Sakai R, and Swanson GT: Recent progress in neuroactive marine natural products. Natural Product Reports, 31:273-309 (2014). 12. Matsunaga S, Kishi R, Otsuka K, Fujita MJ, Oikawa M, and Sakai R: Protoaculeine B, a Putative N-Terminal Residue for the Novel Peptide Toxin Aculeines. Organic Letters, 16:3090-3093 (2014). 13. Copits BA, Vernon CG, Sakai R, and Swanson GT: Modulation of ionotropic glutamate receptor function by vertebrate galectins. The Journal of Physiology, 592:2079-2096 (2014).