北海道大学 大学院水産科学研究院 大学院水産科学院 水産学部

英語サイトへ 北海道大学


大木 淳之

  • 海洋生物資源科学部門
  • 海洋生物科学科
  • 海洋環境科学講座







(1) 海洋環境におけるヨウ素と栄養塩の循環に関する研究

(2) 海洋堆積物におけるヨウ素と硫黄、栄養塩の動態に関する研究

(3) 海底の化学環境と底生生物に関する研究

(4) 海洋における有機ガスの動態に関する研究
1)  Atsushi Ooki, Mitsuo Uematsu, Kazuhiko Miura, and Sigeru Nakae.  Sources of Sodium in Atmospheric Fine Particles, Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36, 4367-4374.

2)  Atsushi Ooki, Kazuhiko Miura, and Mitsuo Uematsu.  The increase of biogenic sulfate and particle number over the high primary productive region in the northwestern North Pacific, Journal of Oceanography, 2003, 59, 799-807.

3)  Atsushi Ooki and Mitsuo Uematsu.  Chemical Interactions between Mineral Dust Particles and Acid Gases during Asian Dust events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2005, 110, doi:10.1029/2004JD004737.

4)  Atsushi Ooki, Mitsuo Uematsu, and Shinichiro Noriki, Size-resolved sulfate and ammonium measurements in marine boundary layer over the North and South Pacific. Atmospheric Environment, 2007, 41, 81-91.

5)  Atsushi Ooki and Yoko Yokouchi, Development of a Silicone Membrane Tube Equilibrator for Measuring Partial Pressures of Volatile Organic Compounds in Natural Water” Environmental Science. & Technology, 2008, doi:10.1021/es800912j.

6) Atsushi Ooki, Jun Nishioka, Tsuneo Ono, and Shinichiro Noriki, Size dependence of iron solubility of Asian mineral dust particles, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2009, doi:10.1029/2008JD010804.

7) Atsushi Ooki, Atsushi Tsuda, Sohiko Kameyama, Shigenobu Takeda, Sachihiko Itoh, Toshio Suga, Hirofumi Tazoe, Ayako Okubo, and Yoko Yokouchi, Methyl halides in surface seawater and marine boundary layer of the Northwest Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2010, doi:10.1029/2009JC005703

8) Atsushi Ooki and Yoko Yokouchi, Dichloromethane in the Indian Ocean: Evidence for in-situ production in seawater, Marine Chemistry, 124, 119-124.

9) Atsushi Ooki and Yoko Yokouchi, Sea-to-air flux of iodoethane (C2H5I) in the Indian and Southern oceans based on partial pressure measurements and the Henry’s law constant in seawater, Geochemical Journal, 45, E1-E7, 2011

10) 大木淳之,三輪一爾,大西広二,亀井佳彦,小林直人,久万健志,北海道噴火湾におけるブロモホルム分布の季節変動,分析化学(2013),62, 1071-1078.

11) Ooki, A., S. Kawasaki, K. Kuma, S. Nishino, T. Kikuchi, Concentration maxima of volatile organic iodine compounds in the bottom layer water and the cold, dense water over the Chukchi Sea in the western Arctic Ocean: a possibility of production related to degradation of organic matter, Biogeosciences Discussions, (2015), 12, 11245-11278.

12) Ooki, A., D. Nomura, S. Nishino, T. Kikuchi, Y. Yokouchi, A global-scale map of isoprene and volatile organic iodine in surface seawater of the Arctic, Northwest Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans, Journal of Geophysical

13) Shimizu, Y., A. Ooki, H. Onishi, T. Takatsu, S. Tanaka, Y. Inagaki, K. Suzuki, N. Kobayashi, Y. Kamei, K. Kuma, Seasonal variation of volatile organic iodine compounds in the water column of Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, (2017) 74, 2, 205-225.









1997年 東京理科大学理学部 卒業

1999年 東京理科大学大学院理学研究科修士課程 修了

1999年4-11月 日立ソフトウエアエンジニアリング株式会社(SE)

2003年 東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻博士課程 修了

2003-2006年 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科(JSPSポスドク)

2006年4-9月 北海道区水産研究所支援研究院

2006年10月-2011年3月 国立環境研究所ポスドク

2011年4月 現職
2005年7月	日本エアロゾル学会 井伊谷賞 「湿性沈着した黄砂粒子の粒径特性」
日本海洋学会	「海の研究」編集委員




OOKI Atsushi

  • Associate professor of Marine Environmental Science
  • Division of Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science
  • Department of Marine Environmental Science

Office location

E212 Annex Building


※ change [at] to @



Research Areas
Iodine and nutrient cycles in the ocean

Analytical chemistry for ocean environmental study

Volatile organic compounds (organic gases) in the ocean

Primary production and bio-chemical parameters in the ocean
Representative publications
1)  Atsushi Ooki, Mitsuo Uematsu, Kazuhiko Miura, and Sigeru Nakae.  Sources of Sodium in Atmospheric Fine Particles, Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36, 4367-4374.

2)  Atsushi Ooki, Kazuhiko Miura, and Mitsuo Uematsu.  The increase of biogenic sulfate and particle number over the high primary productive region in the northwestern North Pacific, Journal of Oceanography, 2003, 59, 799-807.

3)  Atsushi Ooki and Mitsuo Uematsu.  Chemical Interactions between Mineral Dust Particles and Acid Gases during Asian Dust events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2005, 110, doi:10.1029/2004JD004737.

4)  Atsushi Ooki, Mitsuo Uematsu, and Shinichiro Noriki, Size-resolved sulfate and ammonium measurements in marine boundary layer over the North and South Pacific. Atmospheric Environment, 2007, 41, 81-91.

5)  Atsushi Ooki and Yoko Yokouchi, Development of a Silicone Membrane Tube Equilibrator for Measuring Partial Pressures of Volatile Organic Compounds in Natural Water” Environmental Science. & Technology, 2008, doi:10.1021/es800912j.

6) Atsushi Ooki, Jun Nishioka, Tsuneo Ono, and Shinichiro Noriki, Size dependence of iron solubility of Asian mineral dust particles, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2009, doi:10.1029/2008JD010804.

7) Atsushi Ooki, Atsushi Tsuda, Sohiko Kameyama, Shigenobu Takeda, Sachihiko Itoh, Toshio Suga, Hirofumi Tazoe, Ayako Okubo, and Yoko Yokouchi, Methyl halides in surface seawater and marine boundary layer of the Northwest Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2010, doi:10.1029/2009JC005703

8) Atsushi Ooki and Yoko Yokouchi, Dichloromethane in the Indian Ocean: Evidence for in-situ production in seawater, Marine Chemistry, 124, 119-124.

9) Atsushi Ooki and Yoko Yokouchi, Sea-to-air flux of iodoethane (C2H5I) in the Indian and Southern oceans based on partial pressure measurements and the Henry’s law constant in seawater, Geochemical Journal, 45, E1-E7, 2011

10) Ooki, A., K. Miwa, H. Onishi, Y. Kamei, N. Kobayashi, and K. Kum, Seasonal variations of bromoform distribution in the Funka Bay,Bunseki kagaku(2013),62, 1071-1078, in Japanese.

11) Ooki, A., S. Kawasaki, K. Kuma, S. Nishino, T. Kikuchi, Concentration maxima of volatile organic iodine compounds in the bottom layer water and the cold, dense water over the Chukchi Sea in the western Arctic Ocean: a possibility of production related to degradation of organic matter, Biogeosciences Discussions, (2015), 12, 11245-11278.

12) Ooki, A., D. Nomura, S. Nishino, T. Kikuchi, Y. Yokouchi, A global-scale map of isoprene and volatile organic iodine in surface seawater of the Arctic, Northwest Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans, Journal of Geophysical

13) Shimizu, Y., A. Ooki, H. Onishi, T. Takatsu, S. Tanaka, Y. Inagaki, K. Suzuki, N. Kobayashi, Y. Kamei, K. Kuma, Seasonal variation of volatile organic iodine compounds in the water column of Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, (2017) 74, 2, 205-225.

HU Researcher Database