宗原 弘幸
むねはら ひろゆき
宗原 弘幸
むねはら ひろゆき
- 北方生物圏フィールド科学センター
- 水圏ステーション臼尻水産実験所 所長
- 海洋生物科学科
- 臼尻水産実験所
0138-25-3237(FAX 0138-25-5088)
- 研究課題
「北海道に生息する生き物たちの歴史を辿ること」 北海道には、北海道の生き物がいる。それらがどうしてここにいるのか、ここでどんな生活をしているかを知るのが、私の研究室の課題です。北海道はもちろんのこと、アラスカやロシヤ、カナダの海を潜り、観察や標本採集し、実験室に持ち帰って遺伝子解析します。 キーワード: カジカ類、アイナメ類、ダンゴウオ類、分子系統、生物地理、繁殖生態、ゲノム分析、スキューバ、継代飼育、交雑
- 代表的な業績
(原著論文) Awata, S., M.R. Kimura, N. Sato, K. Sakai, T. Abe and H. Munehara: Breeding season, spawning time, and description of spawning behaviour in the Japanese ornate dragonet, Callionymus ornatipinnis: a preliminary field study at the northern limit of its range. Ichthyological Research, 57: 16-23 (2010). Kimura, R.M. and H. Munehara: The disruption of habitat isolation among three Hexagrammos species by artificial habitat alternations that create mosaic-habitat. Ecological Research, 25: 41-50 (2010). Crow, K., H. Munehara and G. Bernardi: Sympatric speciation in a genus of marine reef fishes. Molecular Ecology, 57:16-23 (2010). Munehara, H. and H. Murahana: Sperm allocation pattern during a reproductive season in the copulating marine cottoid species, Alcichthys alcicornis. Environ. Biol. Fish. 83: 371-377 (2010). Sato, N. and H. Munehara: Structure of the seminal receptacle and sperm storage in the Japanese pygmy squid. J. Zool. 282: 151-156 (2010). Kimura, R.M. and H. Munehara: Spawning substrata are important for breeding habitat selection but do not determine premating reproductive isolation in three sympatric Hexagrammos species. Journal of Fish Biol. 78: 112-126 (2011). Koya, Y., Y. Hayakawa, A. Markevich and H. Munehara: Comparative studies of testicular structure and sperm morphology among copulatory and non-copulatory sculpins (Cottidae: Scorpaeniformes: Teleostei). Icthyological Research, 58: 109-125 (2011). (2013年度日本魚類学会論文賞受賞) Sato, N., A. Sekizawa, S. Awata, H. Munehara and Y. Nakashima. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the nudibranch, Chromodoris tinctoria. Venus 69: 214-217 (2011). Sato, N., T. Kasugai and H. Munehara. The possibility of over-wintering by Idiosepius paradoxus at the northern limits of its distribution. American Malacological Bulletin 31: 101-104 (2013). Sato, N., T. Kasugai and H. Munehara. Sperm transfer or spermatangia removal: postcopulatory behaviour of picking up spermatangium by female Japanese pygmy squid. Marine Biology, 160: 153-161 (2013). Yamazaki,A.,Markevich, A. and H. Munehara. Molecular phylogeny and zoogeography of marine sculpins in the Gymnocanthus (Teleostei; Cottidae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Marine Biology, 160: 2581-2589 (2013). DOI 10.1007/200227-013-2250-4 Kimura-Kawaguchi, M., Horita, M., Abe, S., Arai, K., Kawata, M. & Munehara, H. Identification of hemi-clonal reproduction in three species of Hexagrammos marine reef fishes. J. Fish Biol., 85: 189-209 (2014). DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12414. Sato, N., Kasugai, T., and Munehara, H. Female pygmy squid cryptical favour small males and fast copulation as observed by removal of spermatangia. Evolutionary Biology, 2: 221-228 (2014). DOI:10,1007/s11692-013-9261-4. Sato, N., Kasugai, T., and Munehara, H. Spermatangia formation and sperm discharge in the Japanese pygmy squid Idiosepius paradoxus. Zoology, 117(3): 192-199 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2014.02.001. Li, A. and Munehara, H. Complete mitochondrial genome of the antlered sculpin Enophrys diceraus (Scorpaeniformes, Cottidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 26(1): 125-126 (2015). DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.814114 Yamazaki, A. and H. Munehara. Identification of larvae of two Gymnocanthus (Cottidae) species based on melanophore patterns. Ichthyological research, 62: 240-243 (2015). DOI:10.1007/s10228-014-0429-4. Hatano, M., T. Abe, T. Wada and H. Munehara. Ontogenetic metamorphosis and extreme sexual dimorphism in lumpsuckers: Identification of the synonyms Eumicrotremus asperrimus (Tanaka, 1912), Cyclopteropsis bergi Popov, 1929 and Cyclopteropsis lindbergi Soldatov, 1930. J. Fish Biol., 86(3): 1121-1128 (2015). DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12627. Munehara, H., M. Horita, M. R. Kimura-Kawaguchi and A. Yamazaki. Origins of two hemiclonal hybrids among three Hexagrammos species (Teleostei: Hexagrammidae): genetic diversification through host switching. Ecology & Evolution 6: 7126-7140. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2446 (2016). Suzuki, S., K. Arai and H. Munehara. Karyological evidence of hybridogenesis in Greenlings (Teleostei: Hexagrammidae). PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180626. doi: org/10.1371/journal.pone.0180626 (2017). 百田和幸・宗原弘幸:北海道函館市臼尻からSCUBA潜水によって採集された北限記録6種を含む初記録9種の魚類. 北大水産科学研究紀要,59(1-2): 1-18, (2017). DOI 10.14943/mem.fish.59.1-2.1 (著書) Abe, T., Munehara, H: Adaptation and Evolution of Reproductive mode in Copulating Cottoid Species. pp221-246, In “Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny in Fishes” edited by B.G.M. Jamieson, Science Publisher, Enfield, USA, (2009). 宗原弘幸:「生態進化から見たカジカ類の適応放散とそのプロセス」pp85-119,『カジカ類の多様性 –適応と進化-』,宗原弘幸・後藤晃・矢部衛(編),東海大学出版会, (2011). 早川洋一・中内祐二・小林牧人・宗原弘幸・鬼武一夫・渡辺明彦:「カジカ類における異型精子の分化機構と機能」,『カジカ類の多様性 –適応と進化-』,宗原弘幸・後藤晃・矢部衛(編),東海大学出版会,133-143, (2011). 山崎 彩・宗原 弘幸:「カジカ科魚類の低温適応と不凍タンパク質」pp85-95,『不糖タンパク質の機能と応用 Functions and Applications of Antifreeze Protein』,津田栄(監修),シーエムシー出版, (2018.)
- 担当授業
北方生物圏生態科学 (A)
- 略歴
北海道大学理学部卒業 北海道大学大学院(水産学博士) 日本学術振興会特別研究員 北海道大学臼尻水産実験所 助手 同 准教授 同 教授
- 社会貢献
日本魚類学会代議員・自然保護委員会委員 北海道新聞コラムニスト
- 教員からのメッセージ
大学で学び研究する対象が、卒業後に社会で役立つということは、滅多にありません。多くの卒業生は、卒業研究とは異なる分野に進むからです。それでも研究室に在籍する間は、専門分野のプロフェッショナルとして、研究し作業することが求められます。何かのプロとして、全身全霊で打ち込み、経験することが、社会に出てから、それぞれのステージで必要となる能力を発揮できる力に変わります。 (参照ウェブ記事) 「知のフロンティア-北海道大学の研究者は、いま 第2号」 (北海道に生息する魚たちの歴史を辿る) https://www.hokudai.ac.jp/bureau/nyu/frontier/rpdf/02/02_p196-197.pdf

Office location
※ change [at] to @
- Research Areas
Molecular Ecology of Marine Fishes
- Representative publications
Awata, S., M.R. Kimura, N. Sato, K. Sakai, T. Abe and H. Munehara: Breeding season, spawning time, and description of spawning behaviour in the Japanese ornate dragonet, Callionymus ornatipinnis: a preliminary field study at the northern limit of its range. Ichthyological Research, 57: 16-23 (2010). Kimura, R.M. and H. Munehara: The disruption of habitat isolation among three Hexagrammos species by artificial habitat alternations that create mosaic-habitat. Ecological Research, 25: 41-50 (2010). Crow, K., H. Munehara and G. Bernardi: Sympatric speciation in a genus of marine reef fishes. Molecular Ecology, 57:16-23 (2010). Munehara, H. and H. Murahana: Sperm allocation pattern during a reproductive season in the copulating marine cottoid species, Alcichthys alcicornis. Environ. Biol. Fish. 83: 371-377 (2010). Sato, N. and H. Munehara: Structure of the seminal receptacle and sperm storage in the Japanese pygmy squid. J. Zool. 282: 151-156 (2010). Kimura, R.M. and H. Munehara: Spawning substrata are important for breeding habitat selection but do not determine premating reproductive isolation in three sympatric Hexagrammos species. Journal of Fish Biol. 78: 112-126 (2011). Koya, Y., Y. Hayakawa, A. Markevich and H. Munehara: Comparative studies of testicular structure and sperm morphology among copulatory and non-copulatory sculpins (Cottidae: Scorpaeniformes: Teleostei). Icthyological Research, 58: 109-125 (2011). Sato, N., A. Sekizawa, S. Awata, H. Munehara and Y. Nakashima. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the nudibranch, Chromodoris tinctoria. Venus 69: 214-217 (2011). Sato, N., T. Kasugai and H. Munehara. The possibility of over-wintering by Idiosepius paradoxus at the northern limits of its distribution. American Malacological Bulletin 31: 101-104 (2013). Sato, N., T. Kasugai and H. Munehara. Sperm transfer or spermatangia removal: postcopulatory behaviour of picking up spermatangium by female Japanese pygmy squid. Marine Biology, 160: 153-161 (2013). Yamazaki,A.,Markevich, A. and H. Munehara. Molecular phylogeny and zoogeography of marine sculpins in the Gymnocanthus (Teleostei; Cottidae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Marine Biology, 160: 2581-2589 (2013). DOI 10.1007/200227-013-2250-4 Kimura-Kawaguchi, M., Horita, M., Abe, S., Arai, K., Kawata, M. & Munehara, H. Identification of hemi-clonal reproduction in three species of Hexagrammos marine reef fishes. J. Fish Biol., 85: 189-209 (2014). DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12414. Sato, N., Kasugai, T., and Munehara, H. Female pygmy squid cryptical favour small males and fast copulation as observed by removal of spermatangia. Evolutionary Biology, 2: 221-228 (2014). DOI:10,1007/s11692-013-9261-4. Sato, N., Kasugai, T., and Munehara, H. Spermatangia formation and sperm discharge in the Japanese pygmy squid Idiosepius paradoxus. Zoology, 117(3): 192-199 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2014.02.001. Li, A. and Munehara, H. Complete mitochondrial genome of the antlered sculpin Enophrys diceraus (Scorpaeniformes, Cottidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 26(1): 125-126 (2015). DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.814114 Yamazaki, A. and H. Munehara. Identification of larvae of two Gymnocanthus (Cottidae) species based on melanophore patterns. Ichthyological research, 62: 240-243 (2015). DOI:10.1007/s10228-014-0429-4. Hatano, M., T. Abe, T. Wada and H. Munehara. Ontogenetic metamorphosis and extreme sexual dimorphism in lumpsuckers: Identification of the synonyms Eumicrotremus asperrimus (Tanaka, 1912), Cyclopteropsis bergi Popov, 1929 and Cyclopteropsis lindbergi Soldatov, 1930. J. Fish Biol., 86(3): 1121-1128 (2015). DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12627. Munehara, H., M. Horita, M. R. Kimura-Kawaguchi and A. Yamazaki. Origins of two hemiclonal hybrids among three Hexagrammos species (Teleostei: Hexagrammidae): genetic diversification through host switching. Ecology & Evolution 6: 7126-7140. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2446 (2016). Suzuki, S., K. Arai and H. Munehara. Karyological evidence of hybridogenesis in Greenlings (Teleostei: Hexagrammidae). PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180626. doi: org/10.1371/journal.pone.0180626 (2017). (Book) Abe, T., Munehara, H: Adaptation and Evolution of Reproductive mode in Copulating Cottoid Species. pp221-246, In “Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny in Fishes” edited by B.G.M. Jamieson, Science Publisher, Enfield, USA, (2009).