北海道大学 大学院水産科学研究院 大学院水産科学院 水産学部

英語サイトへ 北海道大学


水田 浩之
みずた ひろゆき

  • 海洋応用生命科学部門
  • 増殖生命科学科
  • 育種生物学講座







(1) 海藻の繁殖機構解明と育種の基盤となる技術開発

(2) 海藻の生活環(成長と成熟)制御技術に関する研究

(3) 海藻のストレス防御機構に関する研究

(4) 海藻の栄養生理に関する研究
Nitrogen recycling mechanism within the thallus of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae) 

under the nitrogen limitation. 1994 Fisheries Sci., 60, 763-768. Mizuta H, Maita Y and 

Yanada M

Rapid and simple assay of the viability of crustose coralline algae. 1997 Fisheries. Sci.,

63, 721-724. Mizuta H, Ichiki S and Yamamoto H

Inducible conditions for sorus formation of the sporophyte discs of Laminaria japinica 

Areschoug (Phaeophyceae). 1999 Fisheries Sci., 65, 104-108. Mizuta H, Nimura K 

and Yamamoto H

Sorus development on median and marginal parts of the sporophyte of Laminaria japinica Areschoug (Phaeophyceae). 1999 J. Appl. Phycol., 11, 585-591. Mizuta H, Nimura K and Yamamoto H

Critical contents of nitrogen and phosphorus for sours initiation in four Laminaria 

species. 2002 Bot. Mar., 45, 184-188. Nimura K, Mizuta H and Yamamoto H

Swimming activities of zoospores in Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2002 Fisheries 

Sci., 68, 1173-1181. Fukuhara Y, Mizuta H and Yasui H

Phosphorus requirement of the sporophyte of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae). 

2003 Aquatic Bot. 76, 117-126. Mizuta H, Ogawa S and Yasui H

A simple method to mass produce monospores in the thallus of Porphyra yezoensis 

Ueda. 2003 J. Appl. Phycol. 11: 585-591. Mizuta H, Yasui,H and Saga N

Regulation of sorus formation by auxin in Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2006 

J. Appl. Phycol., 18: 95-101. Kai T, Nimura K, Yasui H and Mizuta H

Effects of light quality on the reproduction and morphology of sporophytes of Laminaria 

japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2007 Aquacult. Res., 38: 1323-1329. MizutaH, Kai T, Tabuchi 

K and Yasui H

Artificial production of regenerable free cells in the gametophyte of Porphyra 

pseudolinearis (Bangiales, Rhodophyceae). 2008 Aquaculture, 281: 138-144. Saito A, 

Mizuta H, Yasui H and Saga N

Simple method for estimating fucoidan and laminaran contents in several brown algae.  

Algal Resources, 3: 93-98. Akita Y., Mizuta, H., and Yasui, H. (2010)

Significance of radical oxygen production in sorus development and zoospore germination in Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2010 Bot. Mar., 53, 409-416. Mizuta H and Yasu, H

Effects of ambient calcium concentration on morphological form of callus-like cells in Saccharnia japonica (Phaeophyceae) sporophyte. 2011 J. Appl. Phycol., 24: 701-706 Kanamori M, Mizuta H and Yasui H

Protective function of silicon deposition in Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2012. J. Appl. Phycol. 24: 1127-1132. Mizuta, H. and Yasui, H.

Control of elicitor-induced oxidative burst by abscisic acid associated with growth of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyta, Laminariales) sporophytes. 2018 J Appl Phycol, 30: 1371-1379. Shimizu K, Uji T, Yasui H and Mizuta H.









1986年 北海道大学水産学部水産増殖学科卒業

1992年 北海道大学大学院水産学研究科水産増殖学専攻博士課程修了

1992年 財団法人 水産科学研究奨励会研究員

1993年 北海道大学水産学部助手

2003年 北海道大学水産科学研究科助教授

2007年 北海道大学水産科学研究院准教授

2013年 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院教授






MIZUTA Hiroyuki

  • Professor of Aquaculture Genetics and Genomics
  • Division of Marine Life Science
  • Department of Aquaculture Life Science

Office location

414 Main Building


※ change [at] to @



Research Areas
Study on Reproductive Biology of Seaweeds 

Development of Fundamental techniques in Seaweed Breeding

Stress Defense Mechanisms of Seaweeds

Nutritional Physiology of Seaweed Propagation
Representative publications
Nitrogen recycling mechanism within the thallus of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae) 

under the nitrogen limitation. 1994 Fisheries Sci., 60, 763-768. Mizuta H, Maita Y and 

Yanada M

Rapid and simple assay of the viability of crustose coralline algae. 1997 Fisheries. Sci.,

63, 721-724. Mizuta H, Ichiki S and Yamamoto H

Inducible conditions for sorus formation of the sporophyte discs of Laminaria japinica 

Areschoug (Phaeophyceae). 1999 Fisheries Sci., 65, 104-108. Mizuta H, Nimura K 

and Yamamoto H

Sorus development on median and marginal parts of the sporophyte of Laminaria japinica Areschoug (Phaeophyceae). 1999 J. Appl. Phycol., 11, 585-591. Mizuta H, Nimura K and Yamamoto H

Critical contents of nitrogen and phosphorus for sours initiation in four Laminaria 

species. 2002 Bot. Mar., 45, 184-188. Nimura K, Mizuta H and Yamamoto H

Swimming activities of zoospores in Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2002 Fisheries 

Sci., 68, 1173-1181. Fukuhara Y, Mizuta H and Yasui H

Phosphorus requirement of the sporophyte of Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae). 

2003 Aquatic Bot. 76, 117-126. Mizuta H, Ogawa S and Yasui H

A simple method to mass produce monospores in the thallus of Porphyra yezoensis 

Ueda. 2003 J. Appl. Phycol. 11: 585-591. Mizuta H, Yasui,H and Saga N

Regulation of sorus formation by auxin in Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2006 

J. Appl. Phycol., 18: 95-101. Kai T, Nimura K, Yasui H and Mizuta H

Effects of light quality on the reproduction and morphology of sporophytes of Laminaria 

japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2007 Aquacult. Res., 38: 1323-1329. MizutaH, Kai T, Tabuchi 

K and Yasui H

Artificial production of regenerable free cells in the gametophyte of Porphyra 

pseudolinearis (Bangiales, Rhodophyceae). 2008 Aquaculture, 281: 138-144. Saito A, 

Mizuta H, Yasui H and Saga N

Simple method for estimating fucoidan and laminaran contents in several brown algae.  

Algal Resources, 3: 93-98. Akita Y., Mizuta, H., and Yasui, H. (2010)

Significance of radical oxygen production in sorus development and zoospore germination in Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2010 Bot. Mar., 53, 409-416. Mizuta H and Yasu, H

Effects of ambient calcium concentration on morphological form of callus-like cells in Saccharnia japonica (Phaeophyceae) sporophyte. 2011 J. Appl. Phycol., 24: 701-706 Kanamori M, Mizuta H and Yasui H

Protective function of silicon deposition in Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae). 2012. J. Appl. Phycol. 24: 1127-1132. Mizuta, H. and Yasui, H.

Control of elicitor-induced oxidative burst by abscisic acid associated with growth of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyta, Laminariales) sporophytes. 2018 J Appl Phycol, 30: 1371-1379. Shimizu K, Uji T, Yasui H and Mizuta H.

HU Researcher Database