工藤 勲
くどう いさお
工藤 勲
くどう いさお
- 海洋生物資源科学部門
- 海洋生物科学科
- 海洋生物生産学コース(環境科学院)
- 研究課題
(1) 亜寒帯域における基礎生産過程と栄養塩動態に関する研究 (2) 持続的二枚貝養殖のための貧栄養化メカニズム解明と対策 (3) 植物プランクトンによる窒素の利用と硝化プロセスに関する研究
- 代表的な業績
Aya, F.A. and Kudo, I. (2017) Nitrogen stable isotopes reveal age-dependent dietary shift in the Japanese scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857). Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies, 53, 80-90.Kakuta, E. and Kudo, I. (2016) Significant contribution of lytic mortality to bacterial production and DOC cycles in Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 72, 177-187. DOI: 10.1007/s10872-015-0316-2 Kudo, I., Hisatoku, T., Yoshimura, T. and Maita, Y. (2015) Primary productivity and nitrogen assimilation with identifying the contribution of urea in Funka. Bay, Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 158: 12-19. Agboola, J. I. and Kudo, I. (2014) Different contributions of riverine and oceanic nutrient fluxes supporting primary production in Ishikari Bay. Continental Shelf Research, 88: 140-150. 工藤 勲・吉村真理・橋岡香織・足立敏成・磯田 豊 (2014) 陸奥湾における貧栄養化と二枚貝養殖の関連性. 沿岸海洋研究、52: 83-92. 岩波秀晃・和田知之・坂本和佳・工藤 勲・知北和久 (2013) 流出特性と土地利用形態に基づく十勝川水系の栄養塩供給機構. 日本水文科学会誌、43: 3-24. Taira, Y., Uchimiya, M. and Kudo, I. (2009) Virus dilution for simultaneously estimating viral lysis and protozoan grazing on bacterial mortality. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 379: 23-32. 工藤 勲・フローラン アヤ・高田兵衛・小林直人 (2011) オホーツク海沿岸域の海洋構造と生物生産. 沿岸海洋研究、49: 13-21. Kudo, I., Noiri, Y., Cochlan, W.P., Suzuki, K., Aramaki, T., Ono, T. and Nojiri, Y. (2009) Primary productivity, bacterial productivity and nitrogen uptake in response to iron enrichment during the SEEDS II. Deep-Sea Research II, 56: 2755-2766. Tsuda, A., Takeda, S., Saito, H., Nishioka, J., Kudo, I. and others (39) (2007) Evidence for the grazing hypothesis: Grazing reduces phytoplankton responses of the HNLC ecosystem to iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS II). Journal of Oceanography, 63: 983-994. Kudo, I., Yoshimura, T., Lee, C.W., Yanada, M. and Maita, Y. (2007) Nutrient regeneration at bottom after a massive spring bloom in a subarctic coastal environment, Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 63: 791-801. Kudo, I., Kokubun, H. and Matsunaga, K. (1996) Chemical fractionation of phosphorus and cadmium in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Marine Chemistry, 52: 221-231. Kudo, I., Noiri, Y., Nishioka, J., Taira, Y., Kiyosawa, H. and Tsuda, A. (2006) Phytoplankton community response to Fe and temperature gradients in the NE (SERIES) and NW (SEEDS) subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 53: 2201-2213. Kudo, I., Noiri, Y., Imai, K., Nojiri, Y., Nishioka, J. and Tsuda, A. (2005) Primary production and nitrogenous nutrients assimilation dynamics during the subarctic Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study (SEEDS). Progress in Oceanography, 64: 207-221. Boyd, P., Law, C.S., Wong, C.S., Nojiri, Y., Tsuda, A., Levasseur, M., Kudo, I. (22th, alphabethic order) (2004) The decline and fate of an iron-induced subarctic phytoplankton bloom. Nature, 428: 549-553. Tsuda, A., Takeda, S., Saito, H., Nishioka, J., Nojiri, Y., Kudo, I. and others (18) (2003) A mesoscale iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific induces a large centric diatom bloom. Science, 300: 958-961. Kudo, I. (2003) Change in the Si:N ratio in diatoms responding to the ambient ratio and growth phase. Marine Biology, 143: 39-46. Kudo, I., Miyamoto, M., Noiri, Y. and Maita, Y. (2000) Combined effects of temperature and Fe on the growth and physiology of the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 36,: 1096-1102. 工藤 勲・芳村 毅(2000) 噴火湾における春季ブルームの一次生産とその行方.沿岸海洋研究、38: 47-54. Kudo, I., Yoshimura, T., Yanada, M. and Matsunaga, K. (2000). Exhaustion of nitrate terminates a phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay, Japan: change in SiO4:NO3 consumption rate during the bloom. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 193: 45-51. Kudo, I. and Matsunaga, K. (1999) Environmental factors affecting the occurrence and production of the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 55: 505-513. Kudo, I. and Matsunaga, K. (1998) Behavior of Cu, Ni and Cd during nutrient depletion in a spring bloom in Funka Bay. Journal of Oceanography, 54: 619-627. Kudo, I. and Harrison, P.J. (1997) Effect of iron on the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus grown on different N sources and irradiances. Journal of Phycology, 33: 232-240. Kudo, I., Kokubun, H. and Matsunaga, K. (1996) Cadmium in the southwest Pacific Ocean-two factors significantly affecting Cd-PO4 relation in the ocean. Marine Chemistry, 54: 55-67.
- 担当授業
学部 海洋学入門(分担) 化学海洋学(分担) 海洋基礎生産学(分担) 海洋保全学(分担) 大学院 海洋生物環境学基礎論 海洋生物圏環境科学特論I
- 略歴
1982年 北海道大学水産学部 卒業 1987年 北海道大学大学院水産学研究科博士課程 単位取得退学 1987年 北海道大学水産学部 文部教官助手 1994年~1995年 カナダ ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学 文部省在外研究員 2000年 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科 助教授 2005年 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院(大学院環境科学院担当) 助教授 2016年 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院 教授
- 受賞
2001年 日本海洋学会日高論文賞
- 社会貢献
日本海洋学会沿岸海洋研究会出版部長 北海道大学生協理事
- 教員からのメッセージ

- Professor of Marine Environmental Science
- Division of Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science
- Department of Marine Biology
Office location
A403 Graduate School of Environmental Science (Sapporo)
※ change [at] to @
- Research Areas
Primary production and nutrient interaction in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Oligotrophication mechanisms and its solution for sustainable bivalve culture. Marine Biogeochemistry especially nitrogen utilization and nitrification process in the ocean
- Representative publications
Aya, F.A. and Kudo, I. (2017) Nitrogen stable isotopes reveal age-dependent dietary shift in the Japanese scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857). Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies, 53, 80-90. Kakuta, E. and Kudo, I. (2016) Significant contribution of lytic mortality to bacterial production and DOC cycles in Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 72, 177-187. DOI: 10.1007/s10872-015-0316-2 Kudo, I., Hisatoku, T., Yoshimura, T. and Maita, Y. (2015) Primary productivity and nitrogen assimilation with identifying the contribution of urea in Funka. Bay, Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 158: 12-19. Agboola, J. I. and Kudo, I. (2014) Different contributions of riverine and oceanic nutrient fluxes supporting primary production in Ishikari Bay. Continental Shelf Research, 88: 140-150. Taira, Y., Uchimiya, M. and Kudo, I. (2009) Virus dilution for simultaneously estimating viral lysis and protozoan grazing on bacterial mortality. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 379: 23-32. Kudo, I., Noiri, Y., Cochlan, W.P., Suzuki, K., Aramaki, T., Ono, T. and Nojiri, Y. (2009) Primary productivity, bacterial productivity and nitrogen uptake in response to iron enrichment during the SEEDS II. Deep-Sea Research II, 56: 2755-2766. Tsuda, A., Takeda, S., Saito, H., Nishioka, J., Kudo, I. and others (39) (2007) Evidence for the grazing hypothesis: Grazing reduces phytoplankton responses of the HNLC ecosystem to iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS II). Journal of Oceanography, 63: 983-994. Kudo, I., Yoshimura, T., Lee, C.W., Yanada, M. and Maita, Y. (2007) Nutrient regeneration at bottom after a massive spring bloom in a subarctic coastal environment, Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 63: 791-801. Kudo, I., Kokubun, H. and Matsunaga, K. (1996) Chemical fractionation of phosphorus and cadmium in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Marine Chemistry, 52: 221-231. Kudo, I., Noiri, Y., Nishioka, J., Taira, Y., Kiyosawa, H. and Tsuda, A. (2006) Phytoplankton community response to Fe and temperature gradients in the NE (SERIES) and NW (SEEDS) subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 53: 2201-2213. Kudo, I., Noiri, Y., Imai, K., Nojiri, Y., Nishioka, J. and Tsuda, A. (2005) Primary production and nitrogenous nutrients assimilation dynamics during the subarctic Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study (SEEDS). Progress in Oceanography, 64: 207-221. Boyd, P., Law, C.S., Wong, C.S., Nojiri, Y., Tsuda, A., Levasseur, M., Kudo, I. (22th, alphabethic order) (2004) The decline and fate of an iron-induced subarctic phytoplankton bloom. Nature, 428: 549-553. Tsuda, A., Takeda, S., Saito, H., Nishioka, J., Nojiri, Y., Kudo, I. and others (18) (2003) A mesoscale iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific induces a large centric diatom bloom. Science, 300: 958-961. Kudo, I. (2003) Change in the Si:N ratio in diatoms responding to the ambient ratio and growth phase. Marine Biology, 143: 39-46. Kudo, I., Miyamoto, M., Noiri, Y. and Maita, Y. (2000) Combined effects of temperature and Fe on the growth and physiology of the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 36,: 1096-1102. Kudo, I., Yoshimura, T., Yanada, M. and Matsunaga, K. (2000). Exhaustion of nitrate terminates a phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay, Japan: change in SiO4:NO3 consumption rate during the bloom. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 193: 45-51. Kudo, I. and Matsunaga, K. (1999) Environmental factors affecting the occurrence and production of the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 55: 505-513. Kudo, I. and Matsunaga, K. (1998) Behavior of Cu, Ni and Cd during nutrient depletion in a spring bloom in Funka Bay. Journal of Oceanography, 54: 619-627. Kudo, I. and Harrison, P.J. (1997) Effect of iron on the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus grown on different N sources and irradiances. Journal of Phycology, 33: 232-240. Kudo, I., Kokubun, H. and Matsunaga, K. (1996) Cadmium in the southwest Pacific Ocean-two factors significantly affecting Cd-PO4 relation in the ocean. Marine Chemistry, 54: 55-67.