藤森 康澄
ふじもり やすずみ
藤森 康澄
ふじもり やすずみ
- 海洋生物資源科学部門
- 海洋資源科学科
- 海洋計測学講座
- 研究課題
(1)選択的漁獲(漁業),混獲防止のための漁業技術に関する研究 (2)漁具の選択性と漁獲効率に関する研究 (3)資源調査における魚類,プランクトンの定量採集技術
- 代表的な業績
Selectivity and gear efficiency of trammel nets for kuruma prawn (Penaeus japonicus), 1996 Fisheries Research, 26, 113-124. Fujimori Y, Tokai T, Hiyama S, Matuda K Analysis of the escape behavior of juvenile salmon Oncorhynchus keta from the bag-net for by-catch prevention in a set net fishery, 2000 Fisheries Science, 66, 424-431. Fujimori Y, Abe K, Shimizu S, Miura T Estimation of gillnet selectivity curve by maximum likelihood method, 2001 Fisheries Science,67, 644-654. Y. Fujimori, T. Tokai The influence of warp length on trawl dimension and catch of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in a bottom trawl survey, 2005 Fisheries Science, 71, 738-747. Fujimori Y, Chiba K, Oshima T, Miyashita K, Honda S Behaviour analysis of undersized fish escaping through square meshes and separating grid in simulated trawling experiment, 2007 Fisheries Research, 85, 112-121. Gabr M, Fujimori Y, Shimizu S, Miura T The effect of towing speed and net mouth size on catch efficiency in framed midwater trawls, 2007 Fisheries Science, 73, 1007-1016. Itaya K, Fujimori Y, Shimizu S, Komatu T, Miura T プランクトンとマイクロネクトンの同時採集のためのズボン式フレームトロール, 2008 水産工学 44, 197-204. 藤森康澄,山下由紀子,阿部真之,板谷和彦,向井 徹 Design of trawl otter boards using computational fluid dynamics, 2015 Fisheries Research, 161, 400-407. Takahashi Y, Fujimori Y, Hu F, Shen X, Kimura N Fish attracting effects of LED light of different colours, 2017 Contributions on the Theory of Fishing Gears and Related Marine Systems, Vo.10, 235-240. Sakamoto M, Fujimori Y, Matsubara N, Yasuma H, Shimizu S, Katakura S Optical and acoustic camera observations of the behavior of the Kuril harbor seal Phoca vitulina stejnegeri after invading a salmon setnet, Fisheries Research, Fujimori Y, Ochi Y, Yamasaki S, Ito R, Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto J, Tamaru O, Kuramoto Y, Sakurai Y (in press)
- 担当授業
学部 海のふしぎ(全学教育科目) 基礎水産資源学 海洋保全学 漁具工学 海洋資源科学実験Ⅰ

- Professor of Marine Environmental Research
- Division of Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science
- Department of Marine Environmental Science
Office location
217 Main Building
※ change [at] to @
- Research Areas
Fishing gear technology for Selective Fishing and Bycatch Prevention Study on Selectivity and Catch Efficiency of Fishing Gear Quantitative Sampling of Plankton and Fishes for Stock Investigation
- Representative publications
Selectivity and gear efficiency of trammel nets for kuruma prawn (Penaeus japonicus), 1996 Fisheries Research, 26, 113-124. Fujimori Y, Tokai T, Hiyama S, Matuda K Analysis of the escape behavior of juvenile salmon Oncorhynchus keta from the bag-net for by-catch prevention in a set net fishery, 2000 Fisheries Science, 66, 424-431. Fujimori Y, Abe K, Shimizu S, Miura T Estimation of Gillnet Selectivity Curve by Maximum Likelihood Method, 2001 Fisheries Science,67, 644-654. Y. Fujimori, T. Tokai The influence of warp length on trawl dimension and catch of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in a bottom trawl survey, 2005 Fisheries Science, 71, 738-747. Fujimori Y, Chiba K, Oshima T, Miyashita K, Honda S Behaviour analysis of undersized fish escaping through square meshes and separating grid in simulated trawling experiment, 2007 Fisheries Research, 85, 112-121. Gabr M, Fujimori Y, Shimizu S, Miura T The effect of towing speed and net mouth size on catch efficiency in framed midwater trawls, 2007 Fisheries Science, 73, 1007-1016. Itaya K, Fujimori Y, Shimizu S, Komatu T, Miura T A trouser-type framed midwater trawl simultaneous sampling of plankton and micronekton, 2008 Fisheries Engineering, 44, 197-204. Fujimori Y, Yamashita Y, Abe M,Itaya K, Mukai T Design of trawl otter boards using computational fluid dynamics, 2015 Fisheries Research, 161, 400-407. Takahashi Y, Fujimori Y, Hu F, Shen X, Kimura N Fish attracting effects of LED light of different colours, 2017 Contributions on the Theory of Fishing Gears and Related Marine Systems, Vo.10, 235-240. Sakamoto M, Fujimori Y, Matsubara N, Yasuma H, Shimizu S, Katakura S Optical and acoustic camera observations of the behavior of the Kuril harbor seal Phoca vitulina stejnegeri after invading a salmon setnet, Fisheries Research, Fujimori Y, Ochi Y, Yamasaki S, Ito R, Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto J, Tamaru O, Kuramoto Y, Sakurai Y (in press)