北海道大学 大学院水産科学研究院 大学院水産科学院 水産学部

英語サイトへ 北海道大学

佐伯 宏樹
さえき ひろき

  • 海洋応用生命科学部門
  • 資源機能化学科
  • 水産食品科学講座







(1) 水産生物資源に含まれる食品成分の機能とその高度利用

(2) 水産食品の健康機能を効果的利用する加工技術の開発

(3) 水産物アレルゲンの同定と消化吸収挙動
    1. Lee et al., Anti-inflammatory effects of dulse (Palmaria palmata) resulting from the simultaneous water-extraction of phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll a. Food Research International, 100, 514-521, 2017.


    1. 佐伯宏樹,糖分子の導入による魚肉タンパク質の食品機能の改変(総説).FFI ジャーナル,222, 2, 128-134, 2017.


    1. 佐伯宏樹.水産物による食物アレルギーとアレルゲン交差性(総説).FFIジャーナル, 221,2, 125-132, 2016.


    1. Lee et al., Grey mullet roe contains yolk protein having IgE cross-reactivity to chum salmon roe major allergen (Onc k 5). Fisheries Science, Published online, 2016.


    1. Nishizawa et., al. Conjugation with alginate oligosaccharide via the controlled Maillard reaction in a dry state is an effective method for the preparation of salmon myofibrillar protein with excellent anti-inflammatory activity. Fisheries Science, 82(2), 357-367, 2016.


    1. Saigusa, et al., In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of digested peptides derived from salmon myofibrillar protein conjugated with a small quantity of alginate oligosaccharide. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 79, 1518-1527, 2015.


    1. Shimizu et al., Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system for detecting β’-component (Onk k 5), a major IgE-binding protein in salmon roe. Food Chemistry, 181, 310-317 (2015)


    1. Shimizu et al., Molecular and Immunological Characterization of β’-component (Onc k 5), a major IgE-binding protein in chum salmon roe. International Immunology, 26, 139-147 (2013).


    1. Fujita et al., In vitro digestion of major allergen in salmon roe and its peptide portion with proteolytic resistance. Food Chemistry, 130, 644-650 (2012).


    1. Katayama et al., Immunomodulatory Properties of Highly Viscous polysaccharides extract from the Gagome Alga (Kjellmaniella crassifolia). Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 67:76–81, 2012.


    1. Saeki, Protein-Saccharide Interaction in Food Proteins and Peptides: Chemistry, Functionality, Interactions, and Commercialization, Navam S. Hettiarachchy, Kenji Sato, Maurice R. Marshall, Arvind Kannan eds., CRC Press, pp. 229-261, 2012.


    1. Shimizu et al., Major allergen and its IgE cross-reactivity among the salmonid fish roe allergy. J Agric Food Chem., 57, 2314-2319 (2009)


    1. 島一雄, 佐伯宏樹ら編著,最新水産ハンドブック,講談社,2012. ISBN: 978-4-06-153736-1














ステップアップキャリア形成(Advanced COSA)Ⅰ

ステップアップキャリア形成(Advanced COSA)II
1980年 東京水産大学水産学部増殖学科卒業

1993年  北海道大学水産学部助教授

1996年 ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学客員研究員

2005年 北海道大学水産科学研究院 教授

2014年 北海道大学人材育成本部 兼務教員
平成28年 日本水産学会論文賞


水産物は人類にとって重要な食糧資源です。私たちの研究室は,水産物を食べることで得られる栄養学的利益(nutritional benefits)と発生する問題(Food safety risk)の理解につとめています。そして,利用・加工に伴う栄養成分の変化を念頭において,未利用水産資源の活用研究に取り組んでいます。

まず,(1)保蔵・調理・加工過程で起きるさまざまな化学反応が,主にタンパク質の機能に及ぼす影響を調べ,それを利用して水産資源に含まれる栄養・健康機能(nutritional benefits)を高度に利用するための方法を研究しています。また,(2)含有成分の化学的性質を利用して健康機能成分を効果的に摂取する方法を検討しています。

一方,他の食品と同様,水産物は食物アレルギー(Food safety risk)を誘引するタンパク質(アレルゲン)を含んでいます。500種類以上の水産物が消費されている日本は,諸外国よりも水産物アレルギーの有病率が高くなっています。そこで,摂取リスクの低減に貢献する学術情報の発信をめざし,(3)水産物アレルゲンの性状と消化・吸収動態を調べています。また同時に,(4)調理・加工工程でおきる化学変化が,水産物のアレルギー反応性に及ぼす影響を調べています。



SAEKI Hiroki

  • Professor of Marine Food Science and Technology
  • Division of Marine Life Science
  • Department of Marine Bioresources Chemistry

Office location

513 Main Building


※ change [at] to @



Research Areas
Health benefits and food safety risk in seafood industry

Bioengineering for high-utilization of functional ingredients in seafood

Identification of food allergens and their gastrointestinal behavior
Representative publications
    1. Lee et al., Anti-inflammatory effects of dulse (Palmaria palmata) resulting from the simultaneous water-extraction of phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll a. Food Research International, 100, 514-521, 2017.


    1. Lee et al., Grey mullet roe contains yolk protein having IgE cross-reactivity to chum salmon roe major allergen (Onc k 5). Fisheries Science, Published online, 2016.


    1. Nishizawa et., al. Conjugation with alginate oligosaccharide via the controlled Maillard reaction in a dry state is an effective method for the preparation of salmon myofibrillar protein with excellent anti-inflammatory activity. Fisheries Science, 82(2), 357-367, 2016.


    1. Saigusa, et al., In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of digested peptides derived from salmon myofibrillar protein conjugated with a small quantity of alginate oligosaccharide. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 79, 1518-1527, 2015.


    1. Shimizu et al., Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system for detecting β’-component (Onk k 5), a major IgE-binding protein in salmon roe. Food Chemistry, 181, 310-317 (2015)


    1. Shimizu et al., Molecular and Immunological Characterization of β’-component (Onc k 5), a major IgE-binding protein in chum salmon roe. International Immunology, 26, 139-147 (2013).


    1. S .Fujita et al., In vitro digestion of major allergen in salmon roe and its peptide portion with proteolytic resistance. Food Chemistry, 130, 644-650 (2012).


    1. Katayama et al., Immunomodulatory Properties of Highly Viscous polysaccharides extract from the Gagome Alga (Kjellmaniella crassifolia). Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 67:76–81, 2012.


    1. Saeki, Protein-Saccharide Interaction in Food Proteins and Peptides: Chemistry, Functionality, Interactions, and Commercialization, Navam S. Hettiarachchy, Kenji Sato, Maurice R. Marshall, Arvind Kannan eds., CRC Press, pp. 229-261, 2012.


    1. Shimizu et al., Major allergen and its IgE cross-reactivity among the salmonid fish roe allergy. J Agric Food Chem., 57, 2314-2319, 2009.



Laboratory introduction 

Marine bioresources, such as fish, shellfish, and seaweed, are indispensable food resources for human beings. Therefore, it is important to understand nutritional benefits and food safety risk of fishery products. We are studying on application of underutilized marine bioresources with focusing on nutritional changes during food processing and preservation.
    • We are investigating the biochemical changes in seafood proteins due to various chemical reactions occurring during storage, cooking and processing, such as denaturation, proteolysis, and the Maillard reaction. We are also developing procedures for highly utilizing health beneficial components in marine resources, using such chemical changes.


    • Japan, where more than 500 types of marine products are consumed, is a country with a higher prevalence of seafood allergy than other countries, and various kinds of seafood are recognized as allergy causative foods, as the same as other natural food materials. Therefore, for the purpose of sending academic information that can contribute to reduction of seafood allergy risk, we are investigating biochemical properties and digestion/absorption kinetics of seafood allergens. Additionally, we are interested in the effect of cooking and processing on the allergenic reactivity of seafood allergens.



HU Researcher Database